Wholesale order form

To place an order, please fill & submit the form below.



30 - 40 pcs per batch per croissant type (i.e 35 butter croissant & 30 pain au chocolat)
- Butter croissant: $2.05/pc
- Pain au chocolat: $2.30/pc

45+ pcs per batch per croissant type (i.e 55 butter croissant & 45 pain au chocolat)
- Butter croissant: $1.55/pc
- Pain au chocolat: $1.85/pc

Order timeline

Weekly order needs to be made by Friday 6PM, in order for us to prepare puff pastry over the weekend. Currently, we dedicate Monday & Tuesday for making croissants, and your order will be ready for pickup on every Wednesday. Pickup is available between 12:00 PM to 7:45PM at the cafe.


We accept cheque, E-transfer or cash, and we will prepare the invoice every week for you to pay. Payment must be made weekly, and any late payment after 21 days since the invoice date, will be subjected to late payment fee (2% per month). E-transfer can be made to order@little-pebbles.com